Performance Satisfaction Survey

* Required fields

Please provide the following contact information:

* First Name
* Last Name
* Company Name
Street Address
Address (Cont.)
Zip/Post Code:
* Work Phone
* E-mail

Performance Measure

 Please rate AIC's Performance in the box to the right of each statement below. The rating scale is based on 1 through 6 with 6 meaning "Very Satisfied" and 1 meaning "Very Dissatisfied".

*RFQ Process - Quotes are returned in a timely manner
*Inside Representative - AIC's Inside Sales Representative is accessible
*Reliability of Delivery - AIC provides on-time delivery
*Value - Customer receives a good value for the price paid
*Paperwork - The packing slip and certifications are accurate and includes with the shipment as required
*Quality - AIC's product is of the highest quality
*Communication - Telephone and email messages are handled in a professional manner
*Invoice - Invoices are processed accurately


When Contacting AIC 

 Please insert in the box to the right of each statement the corresponding number that represents your reasons for contacting AIC. ( 1. Price,  2. Product Availability,  3. On Time Deliveries and 4. Customer Service)

*What is your 1st most important reason for contacting AIC?
*What is your 2nd most important reason for contacting AIC?
*What is your 3rd most important reason for contacting AIC?

Additional Comments (Optional)

Please let us know how AIC can improve its service offerings for you.

>Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.